We have Four magazines a year in full colour
“The Cottage Gardener” this is the society’s magazine, which is filled with hints, tips and information on everything you may find in your garden. Why is it so special? Our members send in their hints and tips and successes and our failures. We have also introduced articles from "Head Gardeners", "Authors" and "Lanscape Gardeners" because they can offer their experience with us. There is nothing like listening to someone who has tried and tested methods and they have done it themselves, seen it themselves and most of all enjoyed the experiences themselves. I hope you will take up a subscription and enjoy the magazine which will be delivered to you every season (that’s 4 magazines a year). You can then pass on your tips and experiences if you want to. We also have 30 regional groups who meet throughout the year, visiting gardens, plant sales and meeting friends. Enjoy!
Please send contributions to Elaine Nichols, our editor, by email editor@thecgs.org.uk
or Telephone: 07851682272
Join us as an active member and help design and develop new skills whilst encouraging others to enjoy the benefits of gardening in a natural way.
The Cottage Garden Society