Derbyshire, North
Rosemary Thacker
T: 07980 470112
DATES FOR YOUR DIARYBassett Rooms Church Street Ashover S45 0AB October 12th Get Together Saturday 2pm Please bring a dish to share – anything you like sweet or savoury! If you would like to have a table to sell/swap plants and other garden related produce please let Lorraine know We have 4 available. John Bland has kindly agreed to kick o$ our autumn mee%ngs with a talk. He’s always interes%ng and amusing, and this one will be about plant names.Saturday November 9th 2pm Mel Middleton Growing Chrysanthemum
Please contact Rosanne Jarvis our Groups Co-ordinator on for more information about groups
Go to contact where you will find the membership form.
We have dedicated committee members who have started groups and can guide you through please contact for more information
Join us as an active member and help design and develop new skills whilst encouraging others to enjoy the benefits of gardening in a natural way.
The Cottage Garden Society