Jenny Daultrey
T: 01747 851300
Dorset Group hold their Speaker Meetings at Puddletown Village Hall. Guests are always welcome at a charge of £5 to include tea and cakes. We have a plant stall and raffle. Doors are open from 2.00pm for a 2.30pm. start.
Our programme for the autumn is:-
6th October Tamsin Westhorpe 'Prepare for the Perfect Spring'
10th November Sally Nex (topic to be confirmed)
Please contact Rosanne Jarvis our Groups Co-ordinator on for more information about groups
Go to contact where you will find the membership form.
We have dedicated committee members who have started groups and can guide you through please contact for more information
Join us as an active member and help design and develop new skills whilst encouraging others to enjoy the benefits of gardening in a natural way.
The Cottage Garden Society